Speech therapy

Speech therapy

Did you know that surgery is not always necessary?
Your voice may just need speech therapy sessions.

This is how we will perform it with our speech therapist specialised in Voice Feminization.

The vocal tone achieved in each session will always be monitored. At the beginning, the therapist will record two different audios for the patient: one spontaneous and one induced.

At the end of the session and after the exercises, the speech therapist will record the two audios again, to see the difference with respect to the beginning. At all times we will know how many Hertz have been achieved in the session, and which tonality has been worked on. Based on this, we will propose to continue in the same vocal tone or to continue advancing and obtain a different one.

The aim of this measurement helps us to continue working on vocal pitch resistance, pitch rise, staying at the same optimal pitch and even obtaining visual and auditory feedback.

Speech therapy